Wednesday, February 18, 2015

4 of 5

This is day 4 of the Art Chain Challenge started by Donna Greenburg. Each day for the next 5 days I will post one art piece and each day I will nominate another artist to participate. The projects do not need to be new and they do not need to be made especially for this challenge. I was nominated by Angie
I nominate Sue.

Daisy, Daisy started out as a test knit for one of my favorite designers, Meagheen Ryan...It was so much fun to knit this child's ended up being gifted to one of my granddaughters.  

Today is another snow day.  We have received upwards of 6+ inches of snow over the last 3 days.  I'm told the roads are packed and slick and I'm really glad I don't have to be anywhere other than safe and snug at home.  I have arranged a ride with a co-worker for the next 2 days in the event we have to work and the next 4 days are expected to be icky as well, with rain, sleet, and possibly more snow.  I'm so ready for spring!

Thanks for stopping by. See you tomorrow for the wrap up!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Gorgeous shawl......I bet your granddaughter loves it! We can't imagine so much snow - we have no idea how cold it must feel. When we see pictures it looks so pretty, but pictures don't show the cold.