Monday, February 16, 2015

2 of 5

This is day 2 of the Art Chain Challenge started by Donna Greenburg on Facebook. Each day for 5 days I will post one art piece and each day I will nominate another artist to participate. The projects do not need to be new and they do not need to be made especially for this challenge. I was nominated by Angie
I nominate Carole.

Our property is called Pieceful Harbor.  Combining my love of quilting and Mr. Wonderful's long military career in the Navy.  This is our final harbor, our anchor.  And I love lighthouses!  So when I saw this pattern, I just had to make it.  The quilt hangs in the entry to our home and has won awards at the Ozark Empire Fair and at the Webster County Fair.

The quilt was quilted by Genelle Reaves of Rogersville, Missouri and it's amazing.  I did not design it but I pieced it and someone once said that makes it my art!  

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you all tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh, Sally......that's beautiful!