Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week 42 - How Did I Get to This Age?

I spent a good portion of this morning signing up for Medicare.  It is the law throughout this land that each person who attains the age of 65 years MUST go on Medicare.  And then they charge you for that privilege!  I'm expecting the bill soon - charged for 3 months in advance and Medicare will start on January 2, 2018, my 65th birthday.  How the hell did I get old enough to go on Medicare?  I certainly do NOT feel that old...and my own personal physician told me just this past Tuesday that I am in incredibly good shape for my age. Blood pressure, continued steady weight loss, all my laboratory tests show levels that meet criteria.  But the thought of Medicare makes me start to creek in my bones and need a nap!  I'm sure I'll get over will just take time.

Remember when I told you that John had finished painting the bedroom sitting area and we had placed the furniture in there (aka bookshelves) and I was ready to unload all the boxes of books that had been stored away?  Remember that?  Well, I never did it.  It was truly a daunting task.  There were 18 boxes of books that needed to be unpacked, separated by author, inventoried, and then placed in order onto the shelves.  I told myself on Friday that I was going to unpack and place 2 boxes of books this weekend....just 2.  I figured if I broke the task down into manageable 'bites' I'd be able to accomplish it.  Well, my mistake occurred immediately I had John take 2 boxes into the sitting room.  I peaked into one or two of the boxes that were left and some of those books needed to be unpacked with the first two can see already how this is going to go, can't you?  Yes, I had John take 17 boxes into our bedroom and jumped in to unpack, separate, inventory, and shelve the books.  Mom came in to help with the inventory and we got most of them done last night.  We finished the rest this morning and I did the last box.  Yes, a total of 18 boxes of books.. and here is the proof!

I'm so excited to have my books back and ready for me to jump in to read them again.  

Thanks for stopping by.  

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Well done, Sally......I still have to sort through and re-shelve our books! Saving that job up for summer when we spend more time indoors out of the heat. You are still a spring chicken, aren't you?