Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 14 - Thankfulness

Thankfulness....I've been thinking about this word all week.  Is one only thankful during the 3rd week of November?  That seems to the time when we concentrate on being thankful.  Are we only full of thanks then, or can we be full of thanks at other times?  This week, I was reminded that one can be thankful anytime...any time we have something to be thankful for and take the time to recognize it.  That being said, I am so thankful this week.  Here's why:

Mr. Wonderful had another procedure on his heart on Wednesday.  I haven't gone into a lot of details about his health challenges but suffice to say, he has been dealing with some cardiac issues since he first went to Utah and began work there.  He caught pneumonia in the course of his work and his heart was compromised as a result.  Thankfully, he was put in contact with a group of doctors who worked diligently to help him and his heart recover...when he came home 2 years ago, our amazing general practitioner connected him to another wonderful group of cardiology doctors...thru the course of several procedures, his various problems have been discovered and addressed.  While he is not 100% healed, he is certainly on the right road to recovery.  And here is where my thankfulness comes in...not once has Mr. Wonderful presented any symptoms...NOT ONCE!  If certain tests had not been ordered (they were looking for other things and making sure they dotted i's and crossed t's), they would not have discovered his conditions.  It has been a matter of providence that the medical folks in charge of his care have looked, seen, and understood how to treat him.  He still has some challenges but I have confidence in his team to watch his back (and his heart).  Can anyone not understand why I am so thankful?

I sometimes come upon a picture that just tickles me, for no reason at all.  Here's one to make you smile...I dare you not to smile! This is how new airplanes happen.

I belong to an online community thru  It's made up of millions of folks throughout the world who are knitters, crocheters, weavers, spinners...they are divided into "groups" of folks who share common interests -  a love of Dancing with the Stars, PenPals, American Girls Dolls - honestly, if you have an interest, there's a group for you.  While the primary interest we all share is fibre arts, we break down into smaller groups.  I belong to several groups (28 of them actually) although I'm not 'active' in all of them. If you are a member or want to be a member, it's free to sign up.  And I can be found as IIIMOM if you look under People.  One such group is a Wee Tiny Fairytale and Folklore group.  Each quarter the moderators (I'm one of the 3 moderators) choose a fairy tale, folk tale, or legend and folks sign up to participate.  We are paired off with a partner and each of us puts together a 'care' package based on the theme.  The package must include a wee tiny sock knit or crocheted to the theme (design is up to the maker) and one other small item.  It should include a couple of other things (stickers, mini skeins, pencils, candy, etc.) This quarter I am moderating a swap base don Willy Wonka...I leave you with the following:
Paradise is all around us if we will only stop, look, and appreciate.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Well, of course that's how new planes are born......there was never any doubt! Good to hear Mr W's health issues are getting sorted, hearts are not like fingernails - we can't grow a new one. Would be good if we could! There is even a Ravelry group for ukulele players too.