Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week 17 - Welcome Rain

This week went by so quickly.  It's hard to remember what made it special.  I think mostly it was the rain.  We had quite a bit of rain - around 3 inches total - and all the trees and flowers and roads are washed so clean and bright.  This is the view off the back deck...
I love this time in the Ozarks.  The greens are so
green and the blues are so blue.

The trees are budding and winter is just a memory. 

Even the barn seems to be brighter and happier.

John moved the cows from the lower field to the upper field during the week and now they are back in the lower field.  It's almost as though they can tell time - about 6 o'clock every evening they line up facing the house, waiting for John to come down and feed them...

Little Beggars!  That's Rosie in the far left behind Beast.  And Belle is the one in the front (right) Rosie and Belle will be going to a friend's farm to be bred soon( a friend of ours calls it Sex Camp for Cows)... and Beast is going to Freezer Camp this summer, then he's going to Utah.  Mmmm, Mmmmm, Good!

John is working on finishing some small repairs to a wall in our master bedroom suite and then, and THEN, we get paint.  Finally, after 13 years, the bedroom will be painted and perhaps we can call it finished. Now to agree on the color scheme...once the painting is done. we can move the TV and bookshelves in there and maybe a couple of easy chairs...a real sitting room!  I'm so excited. 

Well, folks, that's about all for this week.  Rains and beautiful trees and flowers and cows...yep, that's the way we roll.

Thanks for stopping by.

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