Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June - New Growth

A couple of years ago, the gardeners at the library cleaned out the front gardens...they took out a whole bunch of what the locals call FireCracker bushes.  One of the girls at the library rescued them all and split them up amongst the employees.  I got 2 of them and John planted them along the east side of the garage.  They bloomed last year but this year, they took off!  A very short blooming cycle but amazing when they DO.

Several years ago, I bought John a bread maker for Christmas...due to circumstances and time, he never got around to using it, till this last weekend.  Not one to do things by half, he set the machine for extra-large and let 'er rip!  The bread that came out was amazing!  Light and fluffy and just about perfect, albeit huge!   

I'm getting excited about my vacation to Arizona in less than 2 weeks.  Haven't seen Mom in almost 2 years and I miss her tons.  And I'm really getting homesick for Arizona...even though I'm going in the middle of summer with the heat being so high in June.  Doesn't matter, I'm going anyway!  Hoping to take pictures while I'm there and will share them when I get home.

Thanks for  stopping by...


Jennifer said...

Firecracker bushes grow here, too! That bread certainly looks good......I bet it smelled good, too. Have a lovely visit with your mother, you will have a lot of catching-up to do.

Batiklover said...

Love the Firecracker plants. I'm sure they would grow here as well, just haven't seen any at the nurseries.....I'll keep looking, they would be great in the back area. I used to have a bread machine and loved it. The only problem was I could eat the WHOLE loaf in one sitting!!!! YUMMY!!!
Cant wait to see you...just a week now!!!! Lots of catching up to do my dear friend!!!! Miss you!!!

Posts said...

Hi Aunt Sally. I'm missing my Arozona family connections. I would like to write directly to you but can't find an email address. Please write me if you're interested. My email is orangerandy@ gmail . Com. Please say hello to uncle and cousin and his family for me. I hope we can all meet someday. The flowers are beautiful.