Monday, November 8, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

This week's Ten on Tuesday blog post is supposed to be about 10 Dream Vacations. Let's see how far I can get.....

1. Anywhere my son and his family are - mostly in Utah.

2. Ireland - I've always wanted to go there.

3. Paris - My second favorite city in the entire world.

4. Hong Kong - my very favorite city of the ones I've visited.

5. Australia - just saying the name of the country makes me smile!

6. England and Scotland - I visited both places and would love to go back.

7. Maine - I absolutely adore Maine - especially the Casco Bay area and the tiny island of Little Diamond.

8. Rhode Island - where I believe my heart really lies.

9. New Hampshire - especially in the peak of autumn...those leaves have to be seen to be believed.

10. Alaska - I've always had a desire to see Alaska.

Wow! I came up with 10 places to go on vacation! There isn't one of them that takes precedence over particular order, except for seeing my grandchildren and their mom and dad.

What's on your list?

Thanks for stopping by.

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